Friday, May 28, 2010

Journey Begins Again

I don't think I can count the number of times I've been at this place.

Believing this will be the last time I'm ever going to diet. That I'm going to reach my goal.

Now my goal is self-satisfaction, it's not just about getting fitter or losing weight. It's about being happy and being happy to be me. Perhaps the rest will follow. Perhaps not.

Don't get me wrong - I'm going to be exercising like a crazed woman (there have been times in the past I've actually enjoyed that) and striving to eat the healthiest I can but my goal is not to be thin or healthy or fit, my goal within all that is to be at peace with myself and to find the happiness with myself that has evaded me for so long!

I'm going to do this to get back to being the person I want to be. The person I want to present to the world instead of hiding behind these layers of fat.

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