Thursday, October 28, 2010

Rd 3 Wk 4, 5 and 6 - Where IS my head at???

I don't even know where to begin with this blog. For starters, I really need to blog more regularly. Then I might have some answers for why my 12WBT behaviour has been so appalling the past week. Downright disgraceful, in fact!

First up the weigh ins:
Wk 2 100.0
Wk 3 100.4
Wk 4 100.7 (WTF??! - was completely devastated. Response: Knuckle down and work harder)
Wk 5: 98.6 (Massive sigh of relief that slowly turned in to a celebration!)
Wk 6: 98.2 (Don't know how this happened.. Not a good week.)

After an amazing Week 4 mini milestone, 12km in 2 hours over the rugged, cliffs of the Kiama coast walk, I was feeling pretty pumped!

But the last week (since Week 5 weigh in) NO EXERCISE. I am so completely disgusted with myself but I seem to have mentally hit a brick wall. My food is okay (not spot on) but my exercise is non-existent. And I honestly don't know when I am going to start up again.

I know I need to diarise it and make it non-negotiable but my whole life seems to be in a whirlpool at the moment and I just don't seem to be able to organise ANYTHING in my life, let alone my exercise.

I am waiting for circumstances to change (I know this is not a good idea). By Saturday I will have less people around me and I can actually sit down and get some head space. At the moment I can't do that and it is really what I need. As you may have worked out from my blog etc - I am a real headspace type of person. Everything comes down to the mind games. I am an over-thinker. And right now, my head needs time out!

I will be back on track this week. I will JFDI something today - even if I have to mind game myself with the 10min rule or "just go for a long walk" mind trick! After all, I have a lot to gain (or lose, depending on how you look at it!) by doing so.


  1. Hi Lan,

    So sorry to hear you are struggling. You've probably guessed by now that I am too. In fact I've managed to gain around 2kg since starting. But back to you. I don't really know how to offer any support (being such a basket case myself at the moment) but just try taking things one day at a time and if you can maybe plan your food for the day and try and schedule in a time for exercise. On the days I really don't want to do a proper workout I just take my dogs for a 20min walk - and I always feel so much better for it. Hope things out and life settles down again for you soon. Me, I've pretty much given up on the 12WBT and am trying to work out what my strategy is going to be .... can't keep on gaining weight :-(.


  2. Thanks, Libby! I'm sorry to hear your 12WBT journey hasn't worked out. Gaining weight is not an option.... While you still have 5 weeks left of the 12WBT why not get back in there do the pre-season tasks. Print off the program and start at Week 1. It's all good. Planning is key. But I am so unhappy with some aspects of my life I just avoid the whole planning thing to avoid thinking about the things I don't want to think about it. It's how I deal with it. I'm not ready for that much change at the moment. :( Would you like to meet up for a 5km walk at some point? Take care, Lee-Ann
